Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017


in this fourth meeting because no one is present so today's learning guess the title song using formula 5W + 1H so there are six groups one group contains six people and each group there will be singing an existing song element 5W + 1H and group others guessed whether the title of the song was sung by another group and at that time the second group was the one who lost and he was punished because according to the losing agreement in law then the two group joget in front of the class

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017


me and my teammates and I became a group of three, this group work on articles, 5W + 1H, verbal / nominal, tenses, pattern, reason, acitive / pasive, translate.


Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017


that day the second english lesson at that time not much material in conveyed, only little introduction from student and at command make group to do task. before its lecturer explain how to make english task.


Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017

self introduction 6-okt-2017

my name is mahesa aji wisesa
a live at jl.sekneg kebon nanas tangerang
i was born in yogyakarta 1 march 1999/i'm 18 years old
my hobby is traveling and swimming
i graduate from smk ricardo auto machine tangerang in 2017
i entered electro majors at mt to gain insight and know more about electro

When the lesson english in class Part 15 session 2

The fiftheenth day of the English Language Study in the second session. Today is the last meeting before facing UAS (end of semester). I r...